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_ Commission du Livre blanc
The French White Paper on Defence and National Security
Upon being elected President of the French Republic, Nicolas Sarkozy appointed a wide-ranging Commission to appraise France’s defence and security strategy.
Philippe Cury, Daniel Pauly
Obstinate Nature
“A system is viable only if it combines speed and slowness,” write Philippe Cury and Daniel Pauly. “Nature’s cycles tell us that viability requires a combination of these dynamics—fast and slow, innovation and inertia.”...
François Dalle
The L'Oréal Adventure
Today, it is difficult to imagine that in 1948 L’Oréal was just another small business. In 35 years its turnover went from 200 million to 20 billion francs...
James E. Darnell
Up from Mississippi A memoir
How did a young native of the American South, raised in an era of racism and segregation, rise to a highly decorated position at the forefront of molecular biology research?
Christian de Duve
Genetics of Original Sin
“In this book I examine the extraordinary saga of life on Earth in the light of the most recent scientific discoveries. [...]" C. de D.
Claude Fischler
Selective Eating The Rise, the Meaning and Sense of «Personal Dietary Requirements»
The issue of selective eating is explored here from a wide interdisciplinary perspective: from a biomedical standpoint to social and historical analyses.
Pierre-Noël Giraud
The Useless Man A Political Economy of Populism
Today, the “wretched of the earth” are no longer those oppressed by colonization, but rather the unemployed and the working poor, migrants and refugees, landless peasants depending on public or familial assistance to survive—in a word, the economically useless.
Claude Hagège
On the Death and Life of Language
Claude Hagège is a recipient of the CNRS Gold Medal, and professor at the Collège de France.