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A Life Study - Exchanges, emergence, complexity
Urban Challenge (The) - Reviving the desire to live in a city
Up from Mississippi - A memoir
Obstinate Nature
Science of Light (The) - From Galileo’s Telescope to Quantum Physics
How Music Sculpts Our Brain
Einstein's Error - At the Frontiers of the Brain and the Cosmos
Hyperpower of Informatics (The)
Brains That Pull the Triggers (The) - Syndrome E
Revival of Democracy in America and the Better Angels of Your Nature (The) - Letter from a European Friend
Useless Man (The) - A Political Economy of Populism
Enchanted Neurons - The Brain and Music
Strange New World - Geoeconomics vs Geopolitics
On the Death and Life of Language
Simplexity - Simplifying Principles for a Complex World
L'Oréal Adventure (The)

Results : 1 to 16 from 28 books