Catalog All books
Serge Haroche
The Science of Light From Galileo’s Telescope to Quantum Physics
Light has fascinated mankind since the dawn of time...
Pierre-André de Chalendar
The Urban Challenge Reviving the desire to live in a city
Once the seductive symbol of sophistication and unlimited possibility, the city has become synonymous in our imagination with sprawl...
Jacques de Larosière
50 Years of Financial Crises
“This story essentially tells of the financial crises that the markets always end up inflicting on those who have abused their innovations, their excesses and the lax atmosphere.
Isabelle Peretz
How Music Sculpts Our Brain
How does the process of learning music impact our brain? To what extent does it foster curiosity, attention and enhance memory?
_ Commission du Livre blanc
The French White Paper on Defence and National Security
Upon being elected President of the French Republic, Nicolas Sarkozy appointed a wide-ranging Commission to appraise France’s defence and security strategy.
Didier Lombard
The Second Life of Networks
It has been 130 years since the telephone was invented, a little more than twenty for the internet and mobile phones. The weaving of an increasing number of telecommunications and information networks is coupled to an intertwining of social and human networks: we are in fact becoming... the networks.
André Klarsfeld, Frédéric Revah
The Biology of Death
Why are most living creatures condemned to die "naturally" even when they have a favourable and protected environment? Is death a "useful" biological process or does it not correspond to any natural necessity?
Pascal Lamy, Nicole Gnesotto
Strange New World Geoeconomics vs Geopolitics
A must-read for anyone interested in getting a firmer grasp on global and European affairs.